AI Pirika – Native speaker revived with artificial intelligence

Character design by Amane Honda

Progress from 2019 to 2023

Regarding AI Pirika’s achievements over the past five years, we have constructed an Ainu language corpus and created a prototype of an Ainu language translation system using the Spoken Dialogue Method with the inductive learning method based on a Genetic Algorithm with sexual selection (SeGA-ILSD, developed by Kenji Araki, Hokkaido University).

Although AI Pirika has achieved certain results, the accuracy of the Ainu language translation system is still low. It has not yet reached a practical level, and the Ainu dialogue system, which was the original goal, has not been completed.

As you know, generative AI, such as ChatGPTs, is rapidly evolving in the field of natural language processing and achieving great results. We are currently conducting various trials and errors to improve the accuracy of the Ainu translation system and develop an Ainu dialogue system using ChatGPTs4, the latest version of ChatGPTs.

Specifically, we are wondering if it would be possible to improve the accuracy of the Ainu translation system and build an Ainu dialogue system by having ChatGPTs4, learning the Ainu language corpus we have built so far.


You have probably heard of the extinction of animal species. The human ethnic group has a fate to disappear if they lose their language. 

Using The Summer Institute of Linguistics Ethnologue data, Nettle and Daniel can calculate that 90 percent of the world’s population speaks the 100 most-used languages. At least 6,000 languages are spoken by about 10 percent of the people on earth[1].

Languages with under 100 speakers are so close to extinction that revival for everyday use seems unlikely[1]. In 1996, only 15 people could speak the Ainu language as native speakers [2]. In 2020, the situation is hopeless. We are very concerned about this situation.

Our main project is to revive a native speaker of Ainu using AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies. Her name is “AI Pirika.” “Pirika” means a pretty Ainu girl.

Someone may be worried that AI Pirika cannot have her emotions. However, we will incorporate emotions into the system.

We are looking forward to applying for endangered languages in the world.

[1] Nettle and Daniel. 2000. Vanishing Voices. Oxford University Press.
[2] Moseley, Christopher (ed.). 2010. Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger, 3rd edn. Paris, UNESCO Publishing. Online version:
[3] Kenji Araki and Michitomo Kuroda. Generality of spoken dialogue system using SEGA-IL for different languages. 2006. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE. November 20-22, 2006, San Francisco, CA, USA.